Frequently Asked Questions

Here you'll find answers to the most common topics from the day-to-day use of infoBoard.

  • My planning board only runs until January 2020. How can I expand my planning board?
    • You have to connect to an owner on the planning board.
    • On the Administration tab select the option "Extend planning board period".
    • Now another dialog window opens.
    • Select a new month in the next year under New end date and under "Daily distribution for the new area" select "Last planning board week".
    • The planning grid period has now been extended to the newly selected date.
  • How do I set the holidays for the new years?
    • You have to log in with the "Administrator" account.
    • In the selection field on the right you open the selection item "Country holidays".
    • Now a further dialogue window opens with the country holidays. Now select the desired country and open it. Now you select the holidays the years which should be activated.
    • Now you log in to the planning board with an owner.
    • Under the tab "Administration" you select the option "Select holidays".
    • Now you select the further years on the left side.
    • Now the holidays are displayed in the planning board.
  • How can I increase the performance when loading the planningboard

    To increase the performance when loading the planning board, the following steps must be carried out.

    1. Log in with an owner user account.
    2. Select the planning board you want to copy
    3. Click the button on the right side "Copy planning board".
    4. Give this planning board a new name. For example: Production 2016 to 2019.
    5. Select all the checkboxes to copy the planning board with all elements.
    6. Now you can use the copy of your planning board to have a review of the past years.
    7. Open the main planning board.
    8. Please choose the option under "Administration", "reduce planning period"
    9. Select a new date as the begin of the year. For example: January 2020
    10. Since the planning period is reduced now, the loading time of the planning board will be reduced too.

  • How can i copy the planning board

    To set up a planning board copy, follow the steps below:

    1. Log in with an owner user account.
    2. Select the planning board you want to copy
    3. Click the button on the right side "Copy planning board".
    4. Give this planning board a new name. For example: Production 2016 to 2019.
    5. Select all the checkboxes to copy the planning board with all elements.
    6. Now you can use the copy from this planning board.

  • how can I change the automatic planning board loading

    To switch off the automatic loading of the planning board, follow the points below

    1. log on to the planning board with an infoboard user
    2. When you have loaded the planning board, open the Connection option in the "Administration" tab.
    3. The checkbox "Activated" must be deselected under Auto-Login on the last planning board.

  • How can I delete a planning board?

    To delete a planning board, follow the points below

    1. Log in with an owner user account.
    2. Select the planning board to be deleted.
    3. In the dialog box "Planning board selection / administration" you can select the option Delete planning board in the right menu area.
    4. Now the planning board would to be deleted.
    5. Deleting may take a few minutes.

  • What is the maximum number of years the planning board can contain?

    The maximum planning board length is 7 years.
    When you have reached the maximum year length, you must make a copy of the planning board and shorten the current planning board.
    The copy of the planning board can then be used to view the orders in the past
    You set a new start date for the planning board in the current planning board.
    Now the planning table period can be extended again.

  • My demo version cannot connect to the infoBoard server?

    The demo infoBoard Server communicates with the client via port 8010.
    For this, port 8010 in the firewall must be enabled so that the client can establish a connection to the infoBoard server.
    If you have a whitelist, the domain "" must be released.

  • The administrator user cannot open a planning board?

    The administrator user is not a named user who is considered a planning license.
    The administrator is only responsible for the administration of users, user rights and public holidays.

  • What version do I have?

    When you have opened the planning board, you can select the "Info" option in the "?" Tab.
    Now another dialog window opens in which you can read out the version.
    The version is provided with a date e.g. Version: 3.3 2020.0131  
    The version information can be read as follows: 3.3 from 01/31/2020

  • Where can I find the logs?

    The server log can be found in the installation path of the infoBoard servers in the log folder.
    Standard path: C:\program files(x86)\HC Software\infoBoard Server\log\iBServerLog.txt

    The client log is stored in the Windows user's AppData in the roaming area.
    C:\Users\Fechner.IB.000\AppData\Roaming\HC Software\infoBoard\iBClientLog.txt

    You can also open the client log in the infoboard client. To do this, open the "?" Tab and select the "Open log file" option.

  • How can I highlight a object group?

    To highlight a group of objects, follow the points below.

    1. Open your planning board.
    2. Open the "lokale settings" in the "Administration" tab.
    3. you can lower the transparency in the highlighting tab.
    4. Now the background turns gray and the object group is highlighted.
    5. To remove the highlight, click the Esc button.

  • How do I find out which delivery dates have been violated.

    To find out whether delivery dates have been exceeded on the planning board, follow the instructions below:

    1.Log in as a user on a planning board.
    2. In the tab '?' you can open the planning board monitoring.
    3. Navigate to the 'Delivery Dates' tab
    4. Now click on 'Check Items'
    5. Now all objects are displayed that have exceeded the delivery dates.
    6. With a click of the mouse on the line with the overlap, you are navigated directly to the exceeded object.

  • How do I find out which objects overlap?

    To find out whether objects overlap in time, you can select the following check:

    7. Log in to a planning board as a user.
    8. In the tab '?' You can open the planning board monitoring.
    9. Navigate to the 'Overlaps' tab
    10. Now click on 'Check Items'
    11. Now all objects are displayed that have a temporal overlap.
    12. With a mouse click on the row with the overlap, you will be navigated directly to the overlapping object.


  • Where can I find the manual?

    You can find the infoBoard manual in the installation package on your server.

    You can also open the manual in the infoBoard Client at any time:

    1. Log in as a user on a planning board.
    2. In the tab '?' –“manual internet” , You can download the manual directly from the Internet and display it in the client.

  • My infoBoard crashes, when I open rights-management!

    If you open the rights-management, the infoBoard Client crashes.

    Please check the following Windows setting:

    1. You have to do a right-click on the screen, on your desktop

    2. Open the display settings.

    3. Under the heading Scaling and arrangements in the dropdown selection, 'Change size and text, apps and other elements', the infoBoard software only supports the 100% setting.

    4. If you have selected the 100% setting, the buttons should be displayed again.

  • The ok or cancel button is missing in the messages!

    If the Ok and Cancel buttons are not displayed in the messages, please check the following Windows display settings:

    5. Do a right-clickon the screen, on your desktop.

    6. Open the display settings.

    7. Under the heading Scaling and arrangements in the dropdown selection 'Change size and text, apps and other elements', the infoBoard software only supports the 100% setting.

    8. If you have selected the 100% setting, the buttons are displayed again.

  • How can you extend the planning table period?

    1. Open the planning board with an owner user.

    2. Open the menu "Administration" and select the menu item "Expand planning table".

    3. Select a new end date, in the new dialog box.

    4. If you want to keep the column layout of the planning table, you have to select the radio button “last planning table week” in the "Daily division for the new area".

    5. Now your planning table period has been extended.

  • How can I display the names of the columns?

    1. Log in to the planning board with a user.

    2. Open the Local Settings in the Administration -> Local Settings tab

    3. In the Days / Columns tab, the threshold value for auxiliary lines must be set higher now.

    From threshold 200, the column names are displayed.

    4. The names are now displayed.

Get in touch

If you have any further questions we are always happy to help you!

Tel.: 040 696 64 86-51